Transportation and Traffic
The expertise of the WHKS transportation team includes feasibility studies, traffic operations analysis, modeling, route location studies, and safety-related rehabilitation/modernization measures. Our team’s experience includes the design of urban and rural highways, interchanges and intersections, traffic signals, traffic impact analysis, multi-modal accommodations review, and crash/accident analyses.
WHKS offers professional services in the following areas:
- Alignment Alternatives
- Culverts and Drainage
- Location and Feasibility Studies
- Interchange and Intersection Design
- Multi-Lane Urban Arterials
- Pavement Analysis
- Right-of-Way Design
- Rural and Urban Highways and Freeways
- Traffic Control and Staging
- Multi and Single Lane Roundabouts
- Grading and Paving Plans
- Traffic Analysis
- Traffic Modeling
- Traffic Impact Analysis
- Traffic Projections and Distribution
- Crash, Safety and Mitigation Analysis
- Traffic Signal Design, Timing and Layout