WHKS was the prime consultant for reconstructing 2.1 miles of Riverview Drive as a 10-ton road with paved right-turn lanes and shoulders.
The project corridor is in the commercial district of the City, requiring coordination with the Port Authority and communication with private businesses along Riverview Drive about their logistics needs. The project updated the West Second Street intersection by improving turning radii to facilitate truck turning movements and relocating the traffic signals. The overall design widened the roadway and added new guardrail along the project limits.
WHKS provided traffic signal design for Riverview Drive, Second Street, and Huff Street. Improvements to the West Second Street intersection included the relocation and design of traffic signals, as well as signal timing and layout.
Roadway and intersection design
Traffic signal design
Signal timing and layout
Hydraulic analysis
Construction observation
Riverview Drive is part of the regional Mississippi River Trail network and connects the downtown area to other attractions within the City of Winona. The City was the recipient of a $2.8 Million freight grant from the Minnesota Department of Transportation to improve safety and rideability of this well-traveled and scenic street along the Mississippi River.