IA 461 and IA 22 Improvements

IA 461 and IA 22 Improvements


The existing bridge on IA 461 did not provide the required vertical clearance on Northbound IA 22. Drainage in the project area was poor and geometrics of the existing interchange warranted reconfiguration or reconstruction as an intersection. A proposed profile grade raise of 4 feet on IA 461 was required to meet the minimum vertical clearance over IA 22. The existing bridge was replaced with a 3-span 184′-0 x 84′-0 prestressed, pretensioned concrete beam bridge. 

IA 461 was reconstructed to raise the profile grade approximately 3 feet to provide the minimum 16′-6 vertical clearance over IA 22. IA 22 was reconstructed between the interchanges/intersections as a 53′ back-to-back PCC roadway with a 10′ shared use path. The interchange was reconfigured to a jug-handle intersection.


  • Concept statement preparation
  • Survey
  • Bridge, roadway, utility, and intersection design
  • Aesthetic enhancements
  • Staging and traffic control


Construction of the concrete beam bridge provided greater vertical clearance and the modification of the IA 22 interchange ramps improved safety and mobility to the traveling public.