Bridges and Highway Structures
WHKS & Co. performs services on projects that vary in size, location, and complexity and include the design of new or replacement bridges, bridge repair and rehabilitation, bridge deck overlays, drainage design, culverts, emergency repairs and other miscellaneous structural services. The more routine projects include culverts and dual mainline bridges over county roads and small streams. The more complex projects include variable width prestressed concrete beam bridges, horizontally curved or highly skewed bridges, variable width steel girder bridges, and bridges with complex staging.
WHKS offers professional services in the following areas:
- 3D and 4D Bridge Modeling
- Bridge Analysis and Design
- Bridge Condition Reports
- Bridge Painting and Washing Observation
- Bridge Repair, Retrofit and Rehabilitation
- Construction Engineering and Related Services
- Culverts
- Geotechnical/Foundation Analysis and Design
- Highway Sign Structures
- Load Ratings
- NBIS Certified Bridge Condition Inspection and Evaluation
- Railroad Bridges
- Retaining Walls
- Scour Analyses and Mitigation
- Seismic Analysis, Design and Retrofit
- Planning and Preliminary Design
- Shop Drawing Review
- Simple, Typical and Complex Bridges
- Structure Hydrology and Hydraulic Reports
- Value Engineering