The Cities of Kasson and Mantorville have been connected due to their proximity. These communities now share even more, as Mantorville’s wastewater is pumping to the Kasson Wastewater Treatment Facility for treatment. Combining facilities provides economy of scale and capacity for growth in these rapidly growing communities.
The project included construction of a 4.3 MG retention basin and replacement of 1,000 L.F. influent force main. Replacement of an aging oxidation ditch aerator was performed as an asset renewal component to the project. The facility’s nutrient removal was enhanced by adding a mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) recycle loop and upgrading the system’s controls and instrumentation to minimize the need for chemical precipitation of phosphorus.
MnTAP performed an energy audit of the facility during the design phase of the project. Several energy efficiency recommendations were incorporated into the design, including the addition of a dissolved oxygen control system and flow-pacing of the ultraviolet disinfection system.
WHKS coordinated with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to update the Facility Evaluation for approval, re-rate the design capacity of the oxidation ditches, and negotiate new effluent phosphorus limits.