I-80 Photo Control, Topographic, and Boundary Surveys
I-80 Photo Control, Topographic, and Boundary Surveys
WHKS performed a photo control, topographic, and boundary survey of I-80 in accordance with the Iowa Department of TransportationSpecifications for Targeting Ground Control Points for Photogrammetry from approximately 1.5 miles east of IA 1 to 1.5 miles east of County Road X-30.
WHKS provided the following services:
T1 right-of-way land survey
Supplemental survey for 8.6 miles of centerline and 2.4 miles of sideroads
As-built centerline alignments of I-80 and F44
Topographic survey of 78 culverts and pipes
Drainage area delineation
Under bridge topographic survey of I-80 bridges over former Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad
Photo control survey
Processing of GPS observations and creating an ASCII format photo control coordinate file and site log