IA 141 Pavement Rehabilitation and ADA Upgrades

IA 141 Pavement Rehabilitation and ADA Upgrades


A four-lane PCC paved roadway serves as the main traffic artery in a small but vibrant town. Segments of the pavement were showing signs of deterioration. About half of the project was in a rural cross section with known drainage issues. ADA-compliant facilities were not present in the urban section. The City of Manning desired to change an existing four-lane configuration to one lane in each direction with a center two way left turn lane.

Existing drainage ditches and culverts within the proposed three lane section were prone to erosion. The radius return movements at the intersection needed to accommodate larger truck movements. Traffic needed to be maintained on IA 141 during construction. Manning’s commercial historic district is in the project limits, requiring coordination with the landowners of a historic structure relative to ADA improvements.

WHKS prepared preliminary and final plans for the pavement rehabilitation, overlay, culvert extensions, the three-lane section, and ADA improvements. The conversion from four-lanes to three required grading, structural pavement widening, and shoulder construction to the existing two-lane pavement sections.

To tie in the finished surfaces with the storm sewer system, sideroads, entrances and sidewalks, changes in pavement surface elevation were minimized. The existing PCC pavement in the urban section was patched and the HMA resurfacing in the rural section was milled and resurfaced at equal depths. WHKS also developed details to assist with preserving and re-using the historic brick pavers at the Main Street intersection.


  • Roadway and culvert design
  • ADA compliance review and design
  • Retaining wall design
  • Traffic control and staging


The three-lane conversion accommodates vehicular traffic in the City of Manning and restores pavement integrity. The ADA-compliant upgrades promote safe modes of travel for all users.