Bushel Boy Farms Development

Bushel Boy Farms Development


WHKS provided innovative site design and storm water management solutions to Bushel Boy Farms, a development featuring an 80-acre parcel (with an ultimate build-out of 60-acres) that houses a 16.5-acre high-tech hydroponic greenhouse, complete with a modern pack-house and technical installation building.

Due to the flat topography around the site, a reduced-waste irrigation and drainage system reclaims much of the water runoff from the roof, filtering it for reuse. When the reusable water ponds around the site are at maximum capacity, the water spills over to the main detention pond, which retains the water and releases it slowly over time. The design meets post-development runoff rates and 5- and 100-year storm events.

WHKS prepared plans for grading and paving, storm water management and erosion control, and overall site design including docks, loading areas, and parking lots. A lift station was designed and constructed on site. WHKS providing structural engineering services for the design of foundations and retaining walls. To accommodate the drainage needs, the differences between the floor elevations of the buildings are as much as 3 feet.

Bushel Boy Farms has planned for multiple phases of development, including the construction of two more greenhouses on the site. This state-of-the-art site expansion is one of Iowa’s largest greenhouses and will enhance their ability to offer a wide variety of premium, locally-grown produce throughout the upper Midwest.


  • Drainage and stormwater management
  • Site design
  • Utility and lift station design
  • Survey
  • Structural foundations/retaining walls
  • Public involvement
  • Construction administration


WHKS provided creative and economically-feasible drainage and storm water management designs that focused on sustainability and functionality. The new greenhouse promotes a sense of community pride and provides tourism and educational opportunities within the community.