Shared Use Path, Beedle Drive to the Intermodal Facility

Shared Use Path, Beedle Drive to the Intermodal Facility


The Ames trail system is a 55-mile long facility of shared use paths, on-street bike lanes, and bike-friendly streets. Ames is home to Iowa State University where a large student population often rely heavily on bicycling and walking as a mode of travel. The shared use path system connects various amenities throughout the City.

WHKS was the prime consultant for the 2018/19 Shared Use Path System Expansion Trail Connection, South of Lincoln Way from Beedle Drive to the Intermodal Facility.

The project included paving a 10’ wide PCC shared use path, drainage, multi-modal improvements, and ADA-compliant pedestrian ramp design. The project was funded with MPO/STBG-TAP funds and was designed to Iowa Department of Transportation Standards.


  • Topographic and boundary survey
  • Trail design
  • Drainage design
  • Retaining wall design
  • Permitting


This segment of trail provides a safe and accessible alternative route to pedestrians and connects to the City’s robust Shared Use Path System.