WHKS was part of a team that helped deliver the City of Lake Mill’s dream of providing a new 18-hole miniature golf course to its citizens as another recreational opportunity for families to enjoy.
The construction of the golf course was a community effort that included citizens and City staff volunteers carrying buckets of rock to place as a border to the holes on the course. Volunteers also assisted with the fencing and lighting efforts. The course boasts hometown pride with holes twelve and thirteen in the shape of an ‘L’ and ‘M’ for Lake Mills. A small practice green in the shape of a large paw print honors the mascot of the Lake Mills Community School Bulldogs.
Site work and grading for golf course
Sidewalk design
Parking lot layout
Bidding assistance
The golf course is free to use, and any donations collected go towards the cost of the facility. Nine holes of the course meet ADA requirements, providing family fun for everyone.