City Utility Extension to the Dubuque Regional Airport

City Utility Extension to the Dubuque Regional Airport


WHKS was the prime consultant for extending utility infrastructure to the Dubuque Regional Airport, and adjacent developments. The design provides for future extensions to five of the identified growth areas along the US Highway 151/61 corridor and connections to the Southwest Arterial.

The project required an extensive review of alignment alternatives for the sanitary sewer interceptor, water main, and flows for sizing the piping. The water main extension required the design of booster pump stations/buildings with standby generator power to provide potable water and fire protection needs.


  • Alternative alignment analysis and planning
  • Sewer and fire flow analysis
  • Hydraulic analysis
  • Topographic and boundary survey
  • Easement plats and descriptions
  • Utility design
  • Permitting assistance
  • Construction observation
  • Construction administration