Inflow/Infiltration Reduction Efforts

Inflow/Infiltration Reduction Efforts


WHKS completed an I/I condition assessment of the Slatterly and Kutzky Park Neighborhoods and developed collection system rehabilitation plans. The work included comprehensive field investigations, including:

  • Sump pump and service lateral inspections for 2,500 homes and businesses
  • Dyed water testing
  • Smoke testing
  • Manhole inspections
  • CCTV and analysis
  • Discussions with industries contributing to the system
  • Survey of sanitary sewer and residential basement elevations

WHKS is providing ongoing services for the City’s manhole rehabilitation program to eliminate and reduce I/I contributing to the sanitary sewer collection system.

Since 2012, WHKS has completed field inspections, plans and specifications, and construction observation services for multiple sanitary sewer pipe lining, manhole rehabilitation, and combined sewer overflow removal projects. WHKS prepared a high level, strategic planning document to assist the City in making decisions for future investment in the trunk sewer system, to support growth.


  • Flow metering
  • Flow analysis
  • Sump pump and manhole inspections
  • CCTV and analysis
  • Hydraulic and hydrologic analysis/modeling
  • GIS map development
  • Siphon analysis and design
  • Evaluation and design of construction methods
  • Collection system design, repair, and rehabilitation
  • Comprehensive planning