The City of Davenport replaced the Elm Street Bridge over the Canadian Pacific Railway to restore the route for local users.
The bridge was previously owned by the railway and was closed in May 2018. The lack of maintenance by the railway resulted in the dangerous condition and necessary closure of the bridge and interrupted the routine of many citizens.
WHKS provided survey, layout, and design to complete letting plans of the bridge and approaches. WHKS designed a non-standard continuous concrete slab bridge to meet railroad clearance requirements, avoid the existing substructure, and avoid interference with overhead electric transmission lines during construction.
The project required coordination with the Canadian Pacific Railway. The bridge was designed and constructed in accordance with Iowa Department of Transportation Standards.
Bridge and roadway approach design
Utility and CPRR coordination
Construction engineering services
The new bridge re-established the most direct route to work, school, or the hospital, improving the quality of life for many residents in the neighborhood.